The Burroughs Electrical Safety Policy
Site safety is something we take very seriously. In return we ask that the works site is ready and suitable for us to work in; see below for more details.
1. General Site Safety
We will endeavour to ensure that we keep the parts of your premises (domestic or commercial) that we are working in clean, tidy and safe at all times. We will ensure unused tools are kept away from site, for example away from and out of reach of children. We ask that our workzone is free from clutter and reasonably clean and dry before our arrival.
In addition, we would ask that if children are on site during our visit that they are kept away from our work zone. Whilst we love dogs, again we would ask that inquisitive and especially large or erratic dogs are kept away from our work zone for their own safety.
2. Access & Equipment
We will bring our own access equipment such as steps and ladders where required and these items do not need to be provided. We would ask that “within reason” all furniture in the immediate work zone be moved away in order to mitigate accidental damage. Anything large, delicate or valuable should also be removed. If you can’t move heavy items yourself but they are likely to be movable by one person, please let me know in advance and we will move them under your supervision.
3. Technical
All electrical works will be undertaken according to current wiring regulations; specifically to IET / BS7671:2018 standards. If a job is a notifable job under “Part P”, such as a new consumer unit, new circuits or any works near water (such as a new electric shower), works will be recorded and notified accordingly. An inspection may or may not be required at this point.
4. Finished works
We will of course endeavour to ensure our work zone is left as it was found; clean, tidy, safe and functional. If for any reason we are not able to complete short works as expected during our visit, we will discuss this with you and work out a plan to complete the works. Longer term works that require multiple visits will still be cleared and made safe at the end of each day but mayh not be functional until fully completed.